

Why you have Anxiety

Here we are, in the cyclone of vata. We see people expressing their imbalances in extremes of all...

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Begin Biohacking with your Current State

A core principle of both Ayurveda and biohacking is personalization.

Biohackers stress this same...

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Why Ayurveda is the O.G. Biohacking system

Ayurveda is the original biohacking science.

At first glance, Ayurveda and biohacking might...

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What is biohacking?


Recently, a friend pulled out 20 supplements she's taking. My jaw dropped.

She doesn't have any...

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Frequency Medicine is the Future


I'm excited to share what I've been geeking out over in the last year in my personal wellness...

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Sensuality for Circadian Training


The key to circadians is sensuality.

Literally, our sensing organs cue our inner clocks.

In this...

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Fall Circadian Training - where to start

Back-to-School is healing

It gives us a core rhythm. Wake, learn, play, eat, go home, do...

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Why Circadians Matter

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Body's Internal Clock

Fall Season is approaching and my favorite...

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Gifts which delight


Gifting is an exchange of love. 

I'm not saying that we need to participate in superfluous...

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It's always something good.

You scroll through my 10 tips for overeating in 10 sec on your phone. The next week, you learn about yoni eggs, or how to adjust your face mask seasonally.  Sometimes you learn about thought leaders in wellness. And, of course, sometimes we get our DIY on. No matter how we show up in your inbox, it's always something good.