A Guided Meditation for Solvers


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose ourselves in the whirlwind of thoughts and activities. The constant stream of movement can activate our minds, leaving us feeling activated and depleted. That's why taking a moment to center ourselves through meditation can be a transformative practice.

This specific meditation is to shift the pattern of being triggered and activated to solve, while depleted and/or unclear

The remedy is to just stay with the observation and cultivate acceptance and gratitude for the insight and clarity of what does not feel right, without reacting. Instead of solving, cultivate inner clarity and alignment. Nourish and act once you are in a good place. 

Here’s a guided meditation and breathing exercise to help you practice. 

Inhale, Exhale, Release
Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, shedding the weight of the things we need to do-solve that clutter our minds. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, allowing each exhale to audibly release any lingering thoughts. In this moment, there's no need for grand solutions; it's a time to simply be present.

A Time to Excel, Acknowledge, and Reside
As you continue with your deep breaths, let your awareness settle into the now. Acknowledge the heaviness or activation that may arise; observe without judgment. This is a moment to excel in self-awareness, a time to acknowledge your feelings and reside in a new awareness of yourself and your life.

The Weight of Awareness
Awareness can feel heavy initially, activating our minds before it becomes light and easy. Take a moment to notice how you hold your awareness—observe without solving. The mind may turn on with prompt tubes, but remember, this is not a problem to solve; it's a time to excel.

Inhale Acceptance, Exhale Judgment
Perhaps your awareness unveils old patterns or triggers feelings of victimization. Inhale acceptance of your response and exhale judgment. Observe your feelings without condemnation; your awareness is a gift.

Gratitude for Your Rare Gift
Inhale the idea that your awareness is a gift, a rare and beautiful one. Exhale judgment and feel relief. You showed up; you cared. Your awareness is a treasure that will guide you to new choices, patterns, and experiences. Inhale into this newness and exhale relief and acceptance.

The Beauty of Your Awareness
Inhale the beauty of your awareness, exhale relief. Express gratitude for this gift that guides you effortlessly, whispering how to feel good and make choices aligned with your well-being. Inhale expansively, exhale tension.

Integrating Gratitude
As you slowly bring your awareness back to the present reality, open your eyes with a smile. Thank yourself for showing up, for being gentle with yourself, and for embracing this self-loving journey. Your awareness is a beacon leading you to a place of inner peace and well-being.

This meditation is a part of my 10 day introductory course, Living Well with Ayurveda. If you would like to access the first 5 days for free, click here.


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