
more than a bandaid.

Combining the power of Ayurveda, biohacking, and emotional wellness to sustainably change how you feel.

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"genetic blueprint is merely the starting point,

as influences from the environment, from as early as conception, begin to shape us emotionally, psychologically, and biologically. And the shaping continues throughout our lives." - Mark Wolynn

This is why lifestyle matters. 


chronic degenerative disease

is our most probable cause of death and suffering - dementia, cancer, autoimmune, etc.

We all know someone with serious health related suffering. Yet, 60 - 80% of these diseases are considered preventable. This means the majority of people have lifestyles which are killing them. 

To be truly well, we have to do what the majority of humans are not:  

We curate lifestyles which create health. 

live longer feeling better

Customize wellness lifestyle, to make it effective. 

Build awareness of your patterns, emotional intelligence and self assessment skills. 

Shift patterns, symptoms and perspectives. 

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Learn, apply and connect

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Curate your kitchen apothecary

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Articles & videos


stories of the messy, yet beautiful, application of this wisdom to my life...and the lives of hundreds of clients and students.  

Self-healing practices. DIY. Recipes.

Wellness lifestyle hacks. 


        how's your lifestyle?


        I had a ton of knowledge on health, and couldn’t figure out how to feel healthy

        My game-changer was to have a clear structure to evaluate, and support, my wellness lifestyle. 

        I created a self assessment to start your journey.

        a quick & dirty look

        at where your lifestyle needs some love.