"I don't think it's just Ayurveda...
I think it's the way that you have cultivated Ayurveda.
It's validating.
It's hugely empowering.
It's really a gift." - Alissa
Ayurveda will positively impact your body, your mindset, and your lifestyle. This then leads to better relationships, greater emotional awareness, and clarity on dharma. As we work on these layers, I teach you how to make choices which are energetically beneficial for you.
As a direct result of employing the principles of Ayurveda to their lives, clients make a profound and positive impact on the quality of their lives within months. Irrespective of their individual health concerns, all my clients report:
- Successfully using natural herbal formulas to address health challenges
- Knowing what to eat when
- Ability to adjust their cooking according to the needs of their families
- Significant reduction in stress, and overwhelm
- Reduced symptoms from chronic conditions (e.g. anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, skin conditions, migraines, allergies, hypertension, arthritis)
- Improved immunity, and reduced frequency of illness
- Less need for Western medical treatment
- Weaning off of long-term prescription medications
- Improved quality of sleep, that comes easily and naturally
- Healthier, stronger bones, nails, and hair
- Glowing skin and natural herbal skin care regimens
- Greater connection with their hormonal rhythms, and how to handle them
- Gracefully moving through significant health transitions
- Improved time management, and circadian rhythms
- More peaceful relationships with loved ones
- Having a clear decision-making framework
- The ability to apply this awareness to the way they care for their loved ones
work with me

I work with client members to 'clean up' the energetic patterns in every area of life. It's a long term, intimate process where you are educated, empowered and supported. We curate tools to make the specific shifts you need - in your body and mind.

I offer a limited amount of one-off sessions. These individual consults are great for past clients needing short term support, herbal suggestions, and overviewing integrative approaches to specific ailments.
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I'm Dr. Siva.
From Neuroscience afficianado, to Ayurveda lifestyle expert, it's been a unique unfolding of what I'm here to offer.
I blend Western Medicine, Public Health, Ayurveda, emotional wellness and spiritual practice together into wellness lifestyle approaches.
As a teacher, and author, awareness building and empowerment are key themes in my work.
The result is an informed and fluid East-West, heart-mind, approach to feeling good.
MY BACKGROUNDwelcome to Ayurveda By Siva
stories of the messy, yet beautiful, application of this wisdom to my life...and the lives of hundreds of clients and students.
Self-healing practices. DIY. Recipes.
Wellness lifestyle hacks.
Real Clients Share...
what they transformed, and how they benefitted...in raw organic conversation.
I'd love to teach you the basics and how to step in to your own Ayurveda lifestyle - with a good ol' book, or a virtual class.
For my 10 day online immersion produced by One Commune, click the button below to get the first 5 days for free. The course has fun visuals, audio and pdf downloads, and self reflective practices.
The book has additional chapters on yoga, digestive and emotional wellness. Simply click the book cover image to peek inside my internationally 5-star rated introduction, tailored to yoga lovers, by an MD.