Snacking & Bloating 

The good ol' snacking & bloating pattern - when we're soothing with comfort foods and with less digestive capacity.

Planning for patterns means we observe our experience, and use this to tailor how we can best support a better pattern

In Ayurveda, we do this by bringing in the opposite qualities. But we also do this by supporting the natural functions and maintenance  mechanisms of the body. For example, fasting. 

Fasting takes many forms, especially today when fasting gurus guide us to everything from keto intermittent fasting to urine fasting. Which is best for you at any given time depends on what your needs are - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

On a purely physical level, fasting is my most effective remedy for bloating. More effective than digestive tea, or diet changes.

Vata Season and it’s time to crave crunchy-munchy, sweet and salty, and soothe with carbs. I used to think it was what I was eating, or the state of my agni that resulted in bloating, and not having easy, full bowel movements.

They do play a role, and balancing for Vata with food, probiotics and digestive teas does help. But, it doesn’t really prevent bloating. 

We’re not meant to eat throughout the day. Our bodies function best with time to digest. When I’m grazing small amounts of food all day, I keep getting hungry (emotionally too), and don’t give enough time for the small intestine MMC complex peristaltic wave (gut clean out mechanism) to take place. This results in food partially digestive, fermenting and gas and inflammation, aka bloating. 

Simply not eating for 3 hours after your last meal allows that clean out, and prevents bloating.

Pattern - bloated, smaller bowel movements, snacking-grazing throughout the day

Remedy - Take 3 hours between eating times

This is an easy pattern to plan for. I pay attention to when I naturally have food, note when 3 hours later would be, and try to hold off on eating until then. A more structured version could be a set meal schedule.

It’s also an easy remedy if you do find yourself bloated and uncomfortable from travel.

Warm water, triphala, digestive teas, aloe vera, castor oil, coconut oil and ghee are all great tools as well (all covered in my Digestive Remedies compendium below).

trying to tame that Vata,

Dr. Siva

Digestive Remedies

Digestive herbs are so helpful!

Here are my top remedies for tummy troubles from inflammation to constipation.

You can learn how to choose which are best for you (and your loved ones) in this compendium of Digestive Remedies!



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