
ayurveda business mentorship

the only business coaching program tailored to Ayurveda, and tailored to you

Structure a successful Ayurveda business which helps people, and heals you. 

Do you feel clear and confident in your Ayurveda business? 

Most don't, despite a lot of study and enthusiasm.

That's where I come in. Let's take your ideas and passion and turn them into a successful business blueprint.

In this 8 week mentorship, we'll customize your offerings based on who you are and what you needWe'll support you through self doubt, self sabotage and imposter syndrome.

Let's get you clear and confident on what you are offering, and that it's actually going to sell.


Whether you plan to offer retreats, programs, or one on one sessions, we will create your offer based on your patterns with career, money, success and dharma. 

  • what to offer
  • who to offer it to
  • how to offer it in a way that is best for clients, and best for you
  • pricing, upsells and downsells
  • building offer stacks for sustainability
  • how to handle common challenges in client work
  • marketing must-haves
  • how to support yourself emotionally while setting up a business 

I limit the group size to ensure that you get my personalized mentorship and guidance.

No one is left behind. Sessions are recorded in case life happens. 

Here is what you can expect in the intimate container of mentorship...shared by past mentees in the video below.


Siva. I'm so happy I signed up to work with you. You truly have a beautiful energy and the space you created really made me feel safe. I eagerly look forward to our next session.

With gratitude,

take the next step...

By clicking the button below, you will be taken to the application page. 

Complete the Mentorship Self Assessment. 

If your results indicate a good fit, register for the next round of mentorship.

Get started

I could finally work from a place of enthusiasm this morning and that felt golden! It felt receptive and loving, more confident too.

Thank you Siva!


Thank you! Doing what feels right is becoming more natural even when I “think” it’s not. Your support and guidance has provided the clarity I needed.

With love and gratitude,