
Dr. Siva's Routine Uplevel 

Biohack your Routines & feel better

Protect your health from the pace of modern life.

FEB 3-9

Receive my top 5 tools to support your routines then we're going to meet and troubleshooting to help you customize your routines so you feel supported


FEB 9th, 12noon EST

Routine Uplevel Workshop


Join the challenge!
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how much does matter this for you?

According to the answer scale of 1-5, give yourself a rating for the following questions. 

  1. not at all
  2. somewhat
  3. often
  4. most of the time
  5. absolutely

  1. Do you feel like your body functions have a rhythm to them - e.g pooping, waking, getting hungry, menstruating? 
  2. Do you engage in what feels like self care daily?
  3. Do you have time to eat well?
  4. Do you sleep well?
  5. Does your body feel like it has enough movement on a regular basis?
  6. Do you have a way to greet and close the day that feels good?
  7. Do you have clear times to do nothing (unplanned time)?


Total your responses to see what your answers reveal.

7-15 Your routines need attention and support. Likely, they are a root cause of disease patterns.

16-22 You have a lot to gain from bolstering your routines. There is not enough support for foundational body functions, and symptoms are likely.

23-28 You likely just need to focus on certain areas to enhance a good lifestyle. Your baseline health is close to being well supported. 

29-35 Your routine supports your health and wellbeing. You're making great lifestyle choices for your health and wellbeing. 


 in this insightful

 five days, you'll learn


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my top daily practices

to optimize digestion, sleep, immunity, and self awareness

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preventive lifestyle

all of these recommendations prevent chronic, degenerative disease 

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quality of life

recover your nervous system, strengthen connection to inner wisdom, and actually have time to relax 

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every step counts

you'll feel the benefit with each practice, and the more you implement, the more you benefit

Strengthen your Routines to Support your Wellbeing - Join us!