Why Ayurveda is the O.G. Biohacking system

Ayurveda is the original biohacking science.

At first glance, Ayurveda and biohacking might appear to belong to different realms. Biohacking, a relatively new term, focuses on leveraging science and technology to optimize human performance, often through self-experimentation and personalized approaches

Ayurveda, steeped in 5,000 years of tradition, is often misconstrued as an ancient system of rules. 

I think it’s interesting to see the alignment of Ayurveda with the fundamentals of biohacking: 


A core tenet of biohacking is tailoring interventions to suit an individual's unique needs. Similarly, Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique (constitution), with changing needs (current state). Ayurvedic practices emphasize the importance of understanding one's current state when designing personalized wellness regimens, including diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies.

What is optimal for me may not be optimal for you, and vice versa. 

Focus on the Mind-Body Connection

Biohacking acknowledges the profound influence of the mind on the body and vice versa. Ayurveda is the oldest healing system to elaborate the mind-body connection at a level of depth that is almost incomprehensible for their technology. Modern research in quantum physics, neurobiophysiology all validate these ancient perspectives. 

Ayurveda was the first to emphasize the balance and harmony between the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our being. 

Mindset shifts, new perspectives and habits to destress heal the body.

Optimization and Performance

Biohacking aims to optimize human potential and enhance performance through various interventions. By following Ayurvedic principles, individuals can fine-tune their physical and mental states, leading to increased vitality, productivity, and resilience.

In Ayurveda and biohacking, lifestyle practices are considered vital for maintaining balance. From practicing yoga and meditation to following daily routines and optimizing sleep patterns, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive framework for optimizing lifestyle factors that optimize body functions.

Circadian rhythms and proper sleep optimize function.


Ayurveda places great emphasis on eliminating toxins from the body. Panchakarma, a comprehensive detoxification program, is one such seasonal Ayurvedic practice that involves specialized therapies to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. By eliminating accumulated toxins, Ayurvedic biohacking helps reset systems, improve the flow of life force, and clear out emotional baggage.

A clean, well functioning body prevents disease. 

Similar Tools and Techniques

Both ancient Ayurveda and modern Biohacking emphasize the importance of diet and nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices. 

In Ayurveda, by understanding one's imbalances, individuals can tailor their diet for optimal function. Ayurvedic principles advocate mindful eating, incorporating fresh, seasonal, and whole foods, while minimizing processed and artificial ingredients, as does biohacking.

Ayurveda utilizes a rich array of herbs and botanicals to restore and maintain health, similar to the emphasis of supplements and nootropics in biohacking.

So, hopefully you see the heart of Ayurveda in Biohacking now. :)

Ayurveda is the true pioneer in the field of biohacking. Its personalized nutrition, herbal remedies, lifestyle practices, and body therapies offer us a blueprint for optimizing our biology and achieving holistic health. 

Remember, your body has the innate ability to heal itself. Ayurveda is the ancient roadmap that can help you tap into that power and optimize your biology like never before.

We can follow the path with the latest technology, and have the best of old and new supporting our wellness. 


Dr. Siva


Once you see your signs and patterns of imbalance, you'll want tools. In this unique bundle, I guide you from self-assessment to healing responses. LEARN MORE


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