Why Circadians Matter

Unlocking the Secrets of Your Body's Internal Clock

Fall Season is approaching and my favorite way to balance this time of year is by focusing on circadian rhythms.

Our internal clock regulates physiological and behavioral processes (e.g. sleep-wake cycles, hormones, productivity)

Circadian disruption's impact on health has been a significant focus. Irregular circadian rhythms lead to a higher risk of all the big scary health issues, including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and even some cancers. 

In short, circadian rhythms are a key to Vata Balancing, which we all need, especially in times of change, stress, and depletion.

While institutions spend millions investigating therapeutic interventions that can realign these rhythms and mitigate associated health risks, you can start at home today. 

Research continues to prove Ayurveda’s emphasis on circadian rhythms:

1. Circadian Clock Mechanisms: The discovery of "clock genes" and their feedback loop, has illuminated how our bodies synchronize with the external light-dark cycle.

Ayurveda: wind down at sunset and wake up with sunrise your rhythms affect genetic expression

2. Non-Light Time Cues: While light remains a key entraining factor for circadian rhythms, studies have highlighted the influence of non-light cues, such as temperature, feeding times, and social interactions.

Ayurveda: cultivating rhythm with eating and socializing is healing

3. Chronotype Variability: Investigations into chronotype – whether you're a morning bird or a night owl – have revealed genetic and environmental factors that contribute to our natural preferences for different times of day.

Ayurveda: your Constitution determines your rhythmic tendencies

4. Circadian Disruption: Disrupted circadian rhythms, often due to shift work, jet lag, or excessive screen time, have been associated with various health issues. Circadian misalignment can impact metabolic health, cardiovascular function, and even cognitive performance.

Ayurveda: no lifestyle rhythms creates disease

5. Circadian Therapeutics: Excitingly, circadian rhythms are becoming a target for therapeutic interventions. Chronotherapy, which involves timing medications to align with a patient's circadian rhythms, has shown promise in enhancing treatment efficacy and minimizing side effects.

Ayurveda: even big pharma is leveraging this, why aren’t you? 

6. Neural Circuits and Sleep Regulation: Neuroscientists have unveiled intricate neural circuits that link circadian rhythms and sleep regulation.

Ayurveda: a regular bedtime gives you better sleep

7. Circadian Rhythms Beyond Humans: Studies on animals, plants, and even microbes have demonstrated the ubiquity of these biological rhythms across various species and have implications for fields such as agriculture and microbiome research.

Ayurveda: we’re all connected to Earth’s rhythms

In a nutshell, the latest research on circadian rhythms underscores their HUGE impact on our overall health and well-being (from fighting jet lag to neurodegenerative prevention).

Focus on building life rhythms. You will feel better, your body will function better, and it's anti-aging.

Moving to the beat of my own rhythm,

Dr. Siva


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